Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Letting Go

There comes a time in your life when you decide that you can either keep a person in your life and spend your days and nights trying your damndest to win their attention, love and affection.  Or you can let go of that person and give yourself the attention, love and affection that you know you need.  I can promise that these decisions don't come easily nor are they made overnight.  Eventually you come to peace with the decision.  You are probably doing something you've never done before - taking a leap of faith for YOU!  I can guarantee that it will be a profoundly proud moment in your life.

Letting go and moving on doesn't have to be angry or bitter or ugly.  You just decide that you are better off without this person than you were with them.  You can still love them.  Actually, you probably always will on some level.  When you think of them, and you will, think of them fondly and only of the happiest of memories.  Send them love and peace.  And be proud of yourself for being brave and courageous and for taking care of YOU first.

Until Next Time,

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