Friday, June 14, 2013

Goals for 2013 - Updated

Since we are basically half way through 2013, I thought I would give an update on where I stand on each goal that I wanted to achieve

  1. To start running.  Yes running.  I've only ever run when fight or flight kicked in.  Running for enjoyment is totally foreign to me.  It looks nice when I see others running, so here's to hoping I don't get chased by random dogs and survive.  - Update: I haven't even started walking, much less running.  I have been horrible about working out.  By the end of the day, I am way to tired to work out.  So starting Monday, I will be getting up at 4:30 each morning to work out before work. 
  2. To get closer to God.  I feel like all relationships need work to survive and this includes spiritual ones as well.  - Update: I feel like my relationship with God is growing on a daily basis.  I really enjoy the Jesus Calling app.  Every morning I take a few minutes to read the new entry for each day and have prayer time.
  3. To spend more time on me.  By this I mean listening to my true feelings and emotions and honoring them.  Also working through different courses that help me to learn more and grow. - Update: I have learned to say "no" more to other and "yes" more to me.  Not everyone is going to like your answers and that's OK.  You don't have to please anyone but yourself.
  4. To read more.  There are currently 71 books on my Barnes & Nobles wish list.  I buy one and add three it seems. - Update: Yes I am reading more, but I am also adding more books to my wish list.  It currently has 96 books on it.  I need a job where I read books 24/7.
  5. To be more vulnerable and brave.  No one wants to be vulnerable, but that's when life's greatest moments happen. - Update: I have taken a few leaps of faith this year.  One really scared me, but that's usually when you know you made the right decision. 
I also hope to start blogging more.  I have a few topics I will be writing about in the coming days and weeks.  How are you doing on your goals for 2013?

Until Next Time,