Monday, February 13, 2012

I Hate Valentine's Day...

...and here's why.  Because Valentine's Day is not really a holiday.  And yes, I would still feel this way even if I was in a relationship.  It's a "holiday" for florists, card companies, jewelers and chocolatiers.  From December 26th until February 14th the aisles of every store are coated in pink and red hearts and flowers.  Nearly every TV commercial is aimed at letting guys know what girls want for this one particular day.  Where are the commercials letting women know what men want?

It's a day aimed at making single people feel horrible about themselves because of their relationship status.  Like we don't deal with this enough the other 364 days of the year.  It forces couples to buy each other red and pink crap to proclaim their love for their significant other.  And the entire world does this on the same day.  How unimaginative and uncreative.  It's also a day where we are forced to see way too much over the top PDA from couples that we should never be subjected to. 

Relationships don't just happen one day a year.  It's all day every day.  They take work and commitment.  I would much rather have little romantic and thoughtful random gifts throughout the year that are personal to me and the person I'm with than a big stuffed animal on February 14th.  (Side note: what do grown people do with these stuffed animals anyways?  Seriously - please let me know)  Send me flowers at work one random day just because you were thinking about me.  Let me (the girl) take you (the guy) on an unexpected date one night.  A text that says "good morning beautiful" would completely make my day.

Why not do things throughout the year to show yourself and others you love them.  And I don't mean buying them overpriced chocolate.   The girl that gives you butterflies and makes your heart beat fast - tell her how she makes you feel.  The guy who always holds the door open for you and gives you a smile that makes your knees shake - say hi and give him a great smile back.  The sweet dog who is always excited to see you whether you were gone 10 minutes or 10 hours - give them an extra long belly rub and head scratch.  Wear something that you know makes you look amazing!  Strut your stuff for the world to see.  There are so many more important things to life than one over-commercialized day.

Sending you lots of love.

Until Next Time,

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