Monday, October 7, 2013

Day 4: Your Biggest Fear As A Single Woman

I am posting this as part of The Single Woman's 30-Day Blogging Challenge.

Deep down I truly believe and have faith that God will put the right man in my life at the right time.  But no matter how deep my faith is, I still have fears.  What can I say, I was a born worrier.  My first fear is that there is something about me that I need to change or work on and I don't know I need to.  Maybe I'm not domesticated enough or smart enough or funny enough.  In my mind I'm a fun person, but maybe the reality is that I need to be more fun.  Maybe I'm too serious or maybe I'm not serious enough.  Maybe I'm too much of a loner.  I've been single 29 years and I really treasure my alone time.  The list is endless and long.

My other fear is this - I'm not really good at realizing when a guy is flirting with me or is showing interest in me.  In fact, I'm completely clueless.  In my mind, things are very black and white.  They either are or they aren't.  And truthfully, I have no clue if they are or aren't.  If I think a guy is flirting with me, I have to ask either my sister or friend to confirm or deny it for me.  I miss the guys that are flirting and misinterpret guys who aren't flirting.  Just clueless.  I'm good with facts.  Not so good with dating and flirting.  So I am constantly praying and asking God to make it crystal clear to me that a guy is interested.  I don't want to miss Mr. Right because I genuinely didn't know he was interested.  And Lord, let him be OK with the fact that I'm not so great with flirting also!

What are your biggest fear(s) as a single woman?

Until Next Time,

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Day 2: Describe a Moment When Being Single Really Sucked

I am posting this as part of The Single Woman's 30-Day Blogging Challenge. 

So here's the thing, most days I really love being single.  Yes I do want to be in a relationship and eventually get married, but for now I am really enjoying this time being single.  I can do exactly what I want to do right now and I don't have to think about anyone else.  I can focus solely on me and be as undomesticated as I want (hello wine, cheese and crackers for dinner!). 

But there was one day a few weeks ago where being single really sucked: Everything about that day felt like a battle, especially at work.  Just trying to get the simplest of answers was like pulling teeth.  People weren't responding in the time frame I needed them to, and when they did, they didn't have the answer I needed.  There was nothing earth shattering or horrible that happened.  It was just a day where, by the end of it, you felt like the world had beat you up.  Work was frustrating and my personal life wasn't much better.  I spent a good portion of the evening stressing and over thinking every little thing.  Things that more than likely will never happen - I spent hours worrying about them.  No matter how hard I tried to, I couldn't stop the downward over thinking spiral.

At the end of the day, I so desperately wanted someone to come home to.  Someone who would give me a hug when I got home and tell me that they were sorry I had a long day.  Someone I could have texted an S.O.S. to earlier in the day - long frustrating day ahead, bring lots of wine tonight. xoxo  But alas there was no one send the text to.  It was another day where I had to take care of myself - go to bed early and pray that tomorrow will be a better day. 

Until Next Time,