Friday, May 18, 2012

Choosing ME Before WE

Last week I decided to browse through Barnes and Noble to see if I found any books that looked interesting.  As I was searching, Christine Arylo's Choosing ME Before WE came up.  As I read through it's description I was somewhat skeptical.  Not about the book being good, but did I really need a book about choosing me?  I'm single.  I choose me every day.  What do I want for dinner?  What do I want to do today?  After reading some of the reviews, I decided to purchase the book.  Once I downloaded it, I REALLY started thinking about how and when I choose me. 

Barely into the first chapter, I was hit with the realization that I had not been choosing me.  Well, at least not like I should have been.  Two years ago I did choose me when I took my mother out of my life, because I did it so I could focus on, learn about and love me.  Yes I have done that daily in the past two years.  But when I started focusing on myself, I did it because I wanted to be in a relationship after being single for 25 years.  I bettered myself so that I would be a great girlfriend and eventually a wife one day.  Have you ever driven home thinking about what it would be like to have someone waiting for you or gotten up in the morning and wondered what it would be like to have someone there getting ready for work while you are as well?  Have you ever imagined what it would feel like to hold someone else's hand so much you felt it in your bones?  These are the things I would think about when I needed to be thinking about me.

During my journey of reading this book, Christine talks about loving yourself.  Over the past two years I have learned to love myself something fierce.  Yes there are parts of me that I would like to better and change, but on every level, I love who I am.  No lie - I think I am the greatest thing since sliced bread!  Here's a funny thing though, even with all of this self love, I have never spoken the words "I love you" to myself.  Never.  At least not when tequila wasn't involved!  The truth of the matter is I have always wanted to hear those three magic words from a great guy.  It never dawned on me to tell myself, out loud, that I love Sarah when I feel it. They say one of the secrets to a happy and long lasting marriage is to fall in love with your spouse all over again every day.  If the most important relationship you have is with yourself, it makes sense that you would need to fall in love with yourself all over again ever day.  Do you?  I had never thought about it, but I will now! 

A month ago I did something I had never done in my life - I faced my fears and went to the movies by myself. Somehow in my 27 years of existence, I had never done this. I was scared people would judge or think I was some lonely cat lady. Instead I LOVED IT!! I may never go to the movies with others again! I got to sit wherever I wanted, spread out and enjoy a movie all by myself.  It was also incredibly freeing.  I was taking care of myself and listening to what I needed and wanted to do. 

Do you put yourself first in relationships?  Do you love yourself unconditionally?  Do you put ME before the WE?  If not, I highly recommend you pick up Christine Arylo's Choosing ME Before WE.

Until Next Time,

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day...

Truth be told there were other possible titles for this post. "Mother's Day Blows Chunks."  "Mother's Day Sucks."  "Crappiest Day of the Year."  Yesterday was a rough day.  A day that is meant to celebrate amazing women ended up being one of the most painful for me.  My mom isn't in my life anymore.  No she didn't pass away.  She just spent all of my life telling me that she wished she never had me and that I was the biggest mistake of her life. 

I've decided there really needs to be a day for people who had a**holes for mother's.  Where is our day?  Also, there should be a sale on tequila that day.

The relationship between mother and daughter is one of the most important relationships in life.  The mother spends many years grooming her daughter to be a woman one day. To be a woman, wife and mother.  A mother's love is like no other.  When rejection is given instead of love, that pain is second to none.  You're left to pick up the pieces and try to figure out what is so profoundly wrong with you.  All I saw yesterday were stories and articles and interviews from people who were blessed with amazing women who were so proud to be mother's. 

And all I could think was why was I given a defective mother, but others weren't.  What's so wrong with me that she didn't want to be my mom?   I know that she is the one with the problems and the issues are hers to deal with, but on days like yesterday you can't help but wonder why you were picked to win the crappy mom lottery.   All I know is that it's her loss and she is the one missing out on being a part of my really great life.   

Until Next Time,

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


For a large portion of my life, I completely ignored my feelings.  Pretended I was a robot and didn’t have any.  Hated the thought of acknowledging them because it made me vulnerable.  Vulnerability was weakness I would think.  Eventually I learned that it is courageous to admit and acknowledge your feelings and emotions.  You are actually being brave in those alleged moments of weakness.

One thing I have struggled with recently is how one day I can be completely fine with a particular issue (being single, my weight, etc) and the very next day I’m struggling with it.  How did this happen?  Just yesterday I was fine.  Can I hurry up and get it together?  When I talk to myself (in the not crazy kind of way!) I can be brutal and mean.  I’m stupid and weak because I can’t keep my emotions and feelings in line and together forever.  But for anyone else in the world who is going through the exact same thing that I am, I can be empathetic and compassionate.  "Of course your feelings and emotions will change."  "You’re only human."  "Any man would be incredibly lucky to have you. " "Just you wait – God will give you the right man at the right time and it will all make sense."  "You’re gorgeous just the way you are."  When I’m speaking to myself, terms like fatty and tubby and lazy are used.

A few months ago my therapist asked me (when I announced that I hated who I was as a child since I didn’t stand up for myself) what I would tell someone who was going through the issues I was.  If the other person said they hated who they were as a child, how would I respond to them?  Without hesitation I offered them advice full of love and support.  It was honest and compassionate.  She stopped me and asked why I couldn’t do the same thing for myself.  Wow!  I had never thought of it that way.  It was at that moment that I learned that when I can’t show myself support and love and compassion, I need to take a step back and think about what I would tell someone else who was in the same predicament.  Then I tell myself that advice. 

As I mentioned earlier, the two things I have been struggling with recently are my weight and being single.  Here is how I have handled both issues: being single can be both painful and liberating at the same time.  There is such a freedom in only having to worry about you.  You don’t have to cook anyone else dinner or do their laundry or talk to them first before making a decision.  It can also be lonely.  But I am very resolute in the fact that I would rather being single and alone than in a crappy relationship.  I am also surrounded by people who are in relationships.  It’s not always easy to watch everyone else be taken on dates to fancy restaurants or have gifts showered on them or have someone that supports them all the time.  But I am faithful in the fact that God WILL put the right man in my life at the right moment.  I just have to stand back and be patient (which I am not!).  My weight is more of a struggle.  Even though I’ve lost 92 pounds, I feel like I’m the same size I was before I lost any weight.  I see my body as it was 92 pounds ago, not what it is today.  I wonder if any man will ever fully love me at my size.  I wonder if I will ever fully love me at any size.  When these feelings come up, I do the one thing I NEVER thought I would be able to do: yoga.  And I prove to myself that just because I’m plus size doesn’t mean I’m not healthy and fit.

When you have moments of inner turmoil, how do you handle them?

Until Next Time,