Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Falling Apart

When everything seems so wrong, your life isn't falling apart. God is rebuilding it to make you stronger and wiser. ~ Unknown

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I've learned that sometimes you have to fall apart in order to put yourself back together.  Case in point, on Monday I completely fell apart while at therapy.  One minute I was good, the next there were tears.  And raw emotions.  This kind of thing tends to happen when I choose to ignore my feelings and emotions.  And I usually choose to ignore my feelings and emotions when they are bad ones.  I mean, who actually wants to deal with feeling sad or vulnerable or angry? 

And ignoring my real (and bad) feelings and emotions is exactly what I have been doing.  I have been using humor when discussing perimenopause.  The saying goes "you gotta laugh until it's time to cry."  Monday I needed to cry.  Because when I started talking about how I really felt, the real raw emotions came up.

Truth be told, having perimenopause makes me feel old. Instead of feeling 27, I feel 47.  I feel like there is another large con on the pro/con list of me.  Deep down I truly do not want kids, but I also don't want the choice taken away from me. 

I gave myself the rest of Monday to feel bad for myself, but come Tuesday I knew I needed to change my attitude.  In the big scheme of things, it's just perimenopause.  It could be so much worse.  I sat down and thought about the many many ways that I am blessed.  I'm healthy, I have amazing family and friends.  I love my job and co-workers.  Life is pretty freaking good. 

And while I'm not thrilled to experience hot flashes and mood swings again, I'll deal with them head on. 

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Until Next Time,

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