Tuesday, January 14, 2014


So later this year I turn the big 3-0.  I'm not panicking or nervous about it.  In fact, I'm pretty excited about it.  I decided to write a letter to my twenties to start the farewell process.

Dear Twenties,

It's been an incredible 10 years.  An entire decade together - it's my longest relationship ever! Here's a quick rundown of everything you've given or taught me:

Deep loss and true self love.

That me, myself and I are the greatest date I could ever ask for and all I'll ever really need.

That sometimes you just have to take that leap of faith and believe in yourself, no matter what anyone else thinks.

Weight gain and weight loss. Though I battle to urge to binge and purge more often than I care to admit, I finally know I will always fight to overcome this eating disorder until my last day.

I've gotten age spots and even more gray hair. Early menopause with hot flashes and facial hair.

The family I've always needed and never knew was out there.

The confidence to set standards for myself. And the knowledge to set those standards high.

The deep-to-your-soul belief that the only kids in my future are the sour patch ones.

The wisdom to eliminate all of the wrong people from my life. And the grace to wish them well.

The belief that there are multiple soul mates for everyone. For now, mine happen to be my kick ass sisters and a certain chocolate eyed brown lab.

The never ending supply of Say Yes to the Dress episodes.

The realization that I'm lucky to have a dad who patiently listens to me as I re-create the sounds my car made on my most recent drive.  And sisters who love road trips that involve beef jerky, getting lost and seeing baseball games.

The understanding that you always have to be true to yourself, regardless of how "quirky" everyone else thinks you are.

The faith that God will put the right man in your path when the time is right. (And finally realizing that you have to do more than go between work and home to actually meet him ;) )

And the hope that my thirties will be filled with more laughter and love and flirting and family and confidence and faith and kissing and baseball than I could ever imagine.

Cheers Twenties! You were ridiculously awesome and you treated me better than I could have ever imagined.

Thirties - you're (almost) up!!

Until Next Time,